1. Now when I write code, I tend to auto-format my code all the time. Vue取消eslint语法限制 - 简书 5.A space is required after ',' 在逗号 . Tab size: 4 Indent: 4 Continuation indent: 4 I am using WebStorm 9 on Ubuntu 14.4. And here's a screencap of my nodejs/npm settings within IntelliJ. UPDATE. For example, --format json uses the json formatter. $ npm i -S eslint eslint-plugin-vue eslint-config-vue. Related #3737. eslint-plugin-vue. compact. As was asked, a code example for "indent": ["error", 4]: For this code: (formatted via Ctrl+Alt+L) const a = 123; switch (a) { case 1: return 1; case 2: return 2; case 3: return 3 . codeframe. qiita.com kic-yuuki.hatenablog.com. The official ESLint plugin for Vue.js (eslint-plugin-vue) released v5.0 at the beginning of the month, so I thought it would be a good time to talk about this excellent tool for linting your Laravel/Vue projects.Vue ESLint v5.0 covers even more rules from the official style guide then before and makes it easy to start linting Vue code without heavy configuration. File > Settingsで設定画面を開き Editor > Code Style > JavaScript ** でTabs and Indents**タブを選択 org / docs / rules / indent Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4 src\views\edu\subject\courseTypeAdd. これを導入してみる。. Can take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const . Missing semicolon. In CodeMix 2019.6.11, we started using indentation settings from Eclipse to indent […] export default { items: [{ /*this is line 2 - indented with 4 spaces*/ I have tried to tell lint that I want to use 4 spaces, but I still get the warning. I cannot control this. That way for those of us liking tabs errors are not thrown but otherwise spaces are accepted by default. vue: 84: 10 < / script > ^ 102 problems (102 errors, 0 warnings) If we're going to support this, I won't reinvent the wheel, so we should have a separate rule for that, e.g: indent-size: [true, 2] And then we could add to the docs to combine it with the indent rule, when using spaces. ESLint comes with several built-in formatters to control the appearance of the linting results, and supports third-party formatters as well. You can specify a formatter using the --format or -f flag on the command line. If you think this is another issue, please open a new issue. I suspect this is because the default indent for jsx-indent is 4 spaces, whereas I've configured indent to use 2 spaces. ESLint:Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4; Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4; vue Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4; vue2.x 问题 4 : Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6; VSCode 编辑 vue 项目报错 Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 0 So let's tweak the configuration a little bit. As I type the code, I always use Ctrl+Alt+L to auto-format the code, and the code formatting produced doesn't comply with any eslint settings. org / docs / rules / eol-last Newline required at end of file but not found src\views\edu\subject\courseTypeAdd. First, let's create a new project on GitHub called my-linter-test: Our repo is ready to use: Let's copy the URL: Now, let's clone this repo locally and add some basic JavaScript. The two should conflict because prettier does its own indentation and formatting which does not conform to eslint's indentation rules. I am having similar issues but in Goland. Expected indentation of 8 space characters but found 6. 解决Vue4 Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4的问题 报错原因:eslint 检查缩进问题 解决方法: vue-cli4 之前 : 在.eslintrt.js文件的 rules下加. 2.4 Fixing an ESLint warning [toc] TypeScript exists to help developers write better and safer code. ; 4 enforces 4 space indentation. compact. 29. } @dgk said in [solved] eslint no-tabs errors: It's enough of a "bug" that the maintainers should add this to the template's .eslintrc.js. Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs. I want to over-ride the indent (supposed to be 2 spaces) to be 4 spaces. The solution here is to turn ESLint off, as follows. 9個の質問に答える 4. VariableDeclarator - Level of variable declaration indent, 1 by default. ; A second optional argument specifies indentation size: 2 enforces 2 space indentation. NOTE: auto-fixing will only convert invalid indent whitespace to the desired . Tenho esse erro em um projeto vue js, sei que se trata eslint verifiquei o tutorial no site sobre como remover o erro com comando --fix, entretanto não surtiu efeito, se caso alguém conheça, eu ag. This is 100% intentional. I am configuring eslint and am using the AirBNB style guide. This caused confusion for users, because they were accidentally writing code with incorrect indentation, and they expected ESLint to catch the issues. Changing the configuration Just because something works it doesn't mean it can't be vastly improved, and some developers were quick to point out the frontend app's flaws. Next, lets create a basic .eslintrc file in the root of your directory. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? @rstoenescu. > Search: eslint > Install > Restart WebStormFile > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Code Quality Tools > ESLint 之后它应该像这样工作: ESLint 配置 ESLint 没有配置。您必须创建自己的或使用预设: npm install --save-dev eslint-config-airbnb eslint Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN. Questions: Using Intellij Idea 15.0.2 on Ubuntu 15.10 and trying to configure ESLint to work. 解决 VSCode 编辑 vue 项目报错 Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4 解决 VSCode 编辑 vue 项目报错 Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4 解决 VSCode 编辑 vue 项目报错 Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4 问题 问题分析,最新全面的IT技术教程都在跳墙网。 and i keep changing after every commit ( I was able to handle some of the stuff , but when it get detailed I got lost). Eslint will work without this, but I would . But it looks to be the errors of core indent rule rather than our vue/script-indent rule. Previously, the indent rule was fairly lenient about checking indentation; there were many code patterns where indentation was not validated by the rule. New lin e required at end of file but not found 需要在最后的后面回车,空一行 3.Miss in g space bef or e val ue f or key 'name' 在关键字"值"之前缺少空格 4. space -bef or e-blocks 关键字后面要空一格。. ESLint Report. @rstoenescu. 実行環境 インストール&設定の手順 1. npmを使ってインストールする 2. ESP ones that are 6 months old. Eslint airbnb has four indented spaces I am configuring eslint and am using the AirBNB style guide. After we deleted it, the error disappeared ★ Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4 The second one is "expected to indent 2 spaces, but found 4". Vue 项目启动抛出 Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4 tab. 安装eslint, 建议 全局安装, 省去一些不必要的麻烦: npm install -g eslint.