centre in a sentence

one by which they can most readily be recognized, is presented by groups or systems of rhumb-lines, each group of these lines radiating from a common centre, the central group being generally encircled by eight or sixteen satellite groups. Babylon long continued to be a Jewish centre whence the Jews radiated to other countries. With the destruction of the mainland cities by repeated barbarian invasions, and thanks to the gradual development of Venice as a centre of coasting trade in the northern Adriatic, the aspect of the city changed. 19 examples: Therefore, a typical family entertainment centre would become a centre almost… The centre is well equipped for sailing: 11. It is the centre of a thriving agricultural district and has a considerahle trade in wool, grain, cattle and horses with Basutoland, Pondoland and the neighbouring regions of Natal. It is suggestive to find Judah the centre of attack.'. All the prairies district - the centre of which is Crowley - is becoming one great rice field. We may conceive of the Third Crusade under the figure of a number of converging lines, all seeking to reach a common centre. There are many Nonconformists (18,00o) among the Russians, Tulchin being the seat of their bishops and a centre of propaganda. As a musical centre Boston rivals New York. There are signs of trade with Etruria as early as the 7th century B.C. It was devised by the Hudson's Bay Company for carrying freight, as a substitute for the less serviceable canoe, and was named after their York factory, the centre to which the traders brought down the furs for shipment to England and from which they took back merchandise and supplies to the interior of Rupert's Land. 98. Depending on your audience, there are specific situations when either centre or center might be more appropriate. I have often held in my hand a little model of the Plymouth Rock which a kind gentleman gave me at Pilgrim Hall, and I have fingered its curves, the split in the centre and the embossed figures "1620," and turned over in my mind all that I knew about the wonderful story of the Pilgrims. The outer court lies higher than the open space, the inner court higher still, and the temple-building in the centre highest of all. In a great meeting at Cologne in March 1887 he defended and justified his action, and claimed for the Centre full independence of action in all purely political questions. Sonsonate is the centre of a rich agricultural district, and one of the busiest manufacturing towns in the republic. The central and older portion of the city is laid out in squares surrounding a public Green of 16 acres, which was in former days the centre of religious and social life. It is situated on the summit of the Great Dividing Range, and is the centre of the rich pastoral and agricultural district of Darling Downs. The weight W 1 carried by the part of the frame supported by the wheel (whose diameter is D) is transmitted first to the pins P 1, P2, which are fixed to the frame, and then to the spring links L 1, L2, which are jointed at their respective ends to the spring S, the centre of which rests on the axle-box. A few old Turkish houses, built of plaster, with red-tiled roofs, are left among the ill-paved and insanitary districts bordering upon the rivers, but as the royal residence, the seat of government, and the centre of the import trade, Belgrade was, after 1869, III. The place, usually called the Grand Square, is an oblong open space, tree-lined, in the centre of which there is an equestrian statue of the prince after whom it is named. This evidence of a gradual process of upheaval still in action may throw some light on the physical (especially the climatic) changes which must have passed over that part of Asia since Balkh was the " mother of cities," the great trade centre of Asia, and the plains of Balkh were green with cultivation. Sakya Muni, the Buddha, came here from Gaya in the 6th century B.C. Mafeking is thus an important trading and distributing centre for Bechuanaland and the western Transvaal. 294+70 sentence examples: 1. Even a general map may be trusted, as long as we keep within ten degrees of its centre. In the majority of ferns, at a higher level, after the stele has increased greatly in diameter, a large-celled true pith or medulla, resembling the cortex in its characters, and quite distinct from conjunctive, from which it is separated by an internal endodernlis, appears in the centre. 2. ?) Springfield is a trading and shipping centre for a prosperous agricultural region, and ships large quantities of bituminous coal from the immediate vicinity. and seem to mark an Aegean colony: 2 but in historic times Citium is the chief centre of Phoenician influence in Cyprus. It is the chief port for exports from and imports to east Finland and a centre of the timber trade. Charlottesville is a trade centre for the surrounding country; among its manufactures are woollen goods, overalls, agricultural implements and cigars and tobacco. ELONGATION, strictly "lengthening"; in astronomy, the apparent angular distance of a heavenly body from its centre of motion, as seen from the earth; designating especially the angular distance of the planet Mercury or Venus from the sun, or the apparent angle between a satellite and its primary. It was in the centre, so it wil. During the Civil War Cairo was an important strategic point, and was a military centre and depot of supplies of considerable importance for the Federal armies in the west. Marseilles has long been recognized as the most important centre of the soap trade, a position that city originally achieved through its ready command of the supplies of olive oil. The main part of the town extends for a mile along the broad straight Roman road, Watling Street; the high road from Luton to Tring, which crosses it in the centre of the town, representing the ancient Icknield Way. The town of Ames is now located in the center of this crater, also known as an astrobleme. 71. Here are some examples. In this case the central court is roofed over, and has an octagon lantern in the centre; the recesses are covered with horizontal ceilings carried on great beams, the whole being elaborately carved, coloured and gilded; the tomb is covered with the later type of dome, built in stone, and elaborately carved outside with delicate conventional patterns in relief. The railway runs through the centre of the rice-producing area, and feeder roads open up the country as far as the Shan foot-hills. The highest point within the state is Wheeler Peak, near the centre of the eastern boundary, with an elevation of 13,058 ft.; the lowest points are along the Colorado river, where the altitudes range from 700 to Boo ft. of the centre of the state lie the Toyabe Mountains, with several peaks from Io,000 to 12,000 ft. deep at its centre and whose waters have never been known to freeze, notwithstanding the lake's elevation. The town, which has grown rapidly in recent years, is a favourite boating centre for the Parisians. ordered Soult and Augereau on the left and right respectively to assail the enemy, Murat and the Guards remaining in the centre as reserve. Labrusca, reappears in Japan), and others; an assemblage, as long ago pointed out by Asa Gray, which can only be paralleled in the Chino-japanese region, another centre of preservation of Miocene types. Roadwo It was paved with large flagstones and in the centre was a beautiful kiosk or pavilion, covered with gold and raised over the reservoir of water for ablutions. How to use center in a sentence. The town, a trading and agricultural centre for the N.E. In the 13th and 14th centuries Abingdon was a flourishing agricultural centre with an extensive trade in wool, and a famous weaving and clothing manufacture. Indianapolis is the principal live stock centre of the Ohio Valley, and has extensive stock-yards covering more than loo acres. These semicircles and the circles A'A' are joined by tangents and short arcs struck from the centre of the figure. Eli, the head priest at Shiloh in the early youth of Samuel, held an important position in what was then the chief religious and political centre of Ephraim; and the office passed by inheritance to the sons in ordinary cases. Davout, however, had left a garrison of 1800 men in Regensburg, who delayed the junction of the Austrian wings until the 10th inst., and on the same day the emperor, having now reunited his whole right wing and centre, overwhelmed the covering detachments facing him in a long series of disconnected engagements lasting forty-eight hours, and the archduke now found himself in danger of being forced back into the Danube. With the earth as centre such a sphere is known as Ptolemaic; with the sun as centre, as Copernican. Crete, so much so that, for the present we must regard it as the fountain-head of Aegean civilization, and probably for long its political and social centre. It received Buddhism from north India in the time of Asoka, and has had considerable importance as a centre of religious culture which has influenced Burma and Siam. Centre sentence examples. It first flows in a valley bounded, especially towards the west, by the escarpments of a high plateau, and containing the towns of Lugh (in 3° 50' N., the centre of active trade), Bardera, 387 m. Hagenau is an important military centre and has a large garrison, including three artillery battalions. There is an elevated road whose trains, like the surface cars, are accommodated in the centre of the city by the subway. of that small district which, with Jerusalem as its capital, became the centre of Judaism. Nearly in the centre of the town is the Ptolemaic and Roman temple of the ram-headed Khnum, almost buried in rubbish and houses. in diameter, sessile, and generally in pairs, and are made up of large angular scales, slightly convex exteriorly, and with a sharp point in the centre. The rulers fostered agriculture, stimulated commerce and industry (notably the famous Attic ceramics), adorned the city with public works and temples, and rendered it a centre of culture. 3. The centre of the traffic in Morocco was Sidi Hamed ibn Musa, seven days' journey south of Mogador, where a great yearly fair was held. To the student of the original texts Lancelot is an infinitely less interesting hero than Gawain, Perceval or Tristan, each of whom possesses a well-marked personality, and is the centre of what we may call individual adventures. As in other Gastropoda Anisopleura, this shell-sac may abnormally develop a plug of chitinous matter, but normally it flattens out and disappears, whilst the cap-like rudiment of the permanent shell is shed out from the dome-like surface of the visceral hump, in the centre of which the shell-sac existed for a brief period. In the centre of the eastern side of the quadrangle two gigantic doors were thrown open to admit the people into the adytum or inner mosque (shrine) where is the marble tomb of Imam Reza, surrounded by a silver railing with knobs of gold. CENTER is a point of location and more generic including center field,, or in the center of town. Sometimes, however, the centre of a bulky root stale has strands of metaxylem (to which may be added strands of metaphioem) scattered through it, the interstices being filled with conjunctive. In the centre of the town are the ruins of the castle of the 15th century, occupied for a time by John Graham of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, when he held the office of sheriff of Galloway (1682). As regards the struthious birds, they could not be likened to the duck, for in them at no age was there any indication of a single median centre of ossification, as Geoffroy had satisfied himself by his own observations made in Egypt many years before. The vertebrae are stereospondylous, the centrum or body and the arch being com pletely fused into one mass, leaving not even a neuro-central suture. The town is the chief centre of business in East Galloway, and it is also resorted to in midsummer for its beautiful scenery and excellent fishing. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of center | plural of center. This tetrahedral configuration is based on the existence of only one methylene dichloride, two being necessary if the carbon valencies were directed from the centre of a plane square to its corners, and on the existence of two optical isomers of the formula C. A. Being a port of the first class, Callao is an important distributing centre for the coasting trade, in which a large number of small vessels are engaged. It's a good walk to the town centre, so I usually cycle. (from which time some of the remains may date), in order to establish his religion, which shows that the place was even then a great centre. The effect of these extraordinary changes, then, was the carrying out of Napoleonic satrapies in the north and centre of Italy in a way utterly inconsistent with the treaty of Luneville; and the weakness with which the courts of London and Vienna looked on at these singular events confirmed Bonaparte in the belief that he could do what he would with neighbouring states. The centre of interest now shifts to the India House and to the British parliament. The largest of these is situated in the centre of Cheduba island. The name of the city was suggested from the rapids in the river, which afford abundant water power and have enabled the city to take first rank in Iowa (1905) as a manufacturing centre. According to Clarendon the latter, though frequently victorious in a charge, dale, subsequently falling upon and defeating the royalist centre, and pursuing the fugitives as far as the outskirts of Leicester. Grant's advance on this centre, then defended by General A. In 1900 the centre of population of the United States was 5 m. An intermediate step between Anu viewed as the local deity of Erech (or some other centre), Bel as the god of Nippur, and Ea as the god of Eridu is represented by the prominence which each one of the centres associated with the three deities in question must have acquired, and which led to each one absorbing the qualities of other gods so as to give them a controlling position in an organized pantheon. It has very active and varied industries, and is a trade centre for a large grainand fruit-producing and stock-raising region, and has one of the largest nurseries in the United States. Callander owes much of its prosperity to the fact that it is the centre from which the Trossachs is usually visited, the route being that described in Scott's Lady of the Lake. This station is the centre of a polyglot circuit or district 150 m. It thus became the centre of the road system of north Italy. Synonyms: middle, heart, focus, mid [archaic] More Synonyms of centre 22. Various dynasties had their ancestral seats elsewhere and individual kings built their palaces and pyramids at some distance up or down the valley, but Memphis must have been generally the centre of the government and the largest city in Egypt until the New Empire (Dyns. Some change seems to have come from the north; and there are those who go so far as to say that the centre henceforward was the Argolid, and especially "golden" Mycenae, whose lords imposed a new type of palace and a modification of Aegean art on all other Aegean lands. Its nearness to Washington, the material and manufacturing resources concentrated in it, and the moral importance attached to its possession by both sides, caused it to be regarded as the centre of gravity of the military operations in the east to which the greatest leaders and the finest armies were devoted from 1861 to 1865. The best sheet formed the first or outside sheet of the roll, and the others were joined on in order of quality, so that the worst sheets were in the centre of the roll. Looking for sentences and phrases with the word center? The largest of these is situated in the centre of Cheduba island. The five-storied embattled tower in the centre dates from 1426, and the modern mansions from 1820. Progress Of Geographical Discovery Exploration and geographical discovery must have started from more than one centre, and to deal justly with the matter one ought to treat of these separately in the early ages before the whole civilized world was bound together by the bonds of modern intercommunication. Polk was leading violent attacks upon his left and center. The policeman directed me to the shopping, 17. There were two doors leading off the central room. Columbus is an important railway centre and is served by the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. It was hoped at the time that that place would become the centre from which the civilization of Africa would proceed; but this expectation was not fulfilled. In the centre of the area are the substructions of a temple, and on the south-east side are the remains of the theatre, built in the early imperial period, restored by Septimius Severus in 196-197 and again in the 4th or 5th century. each from north to south, these may be called (A) the south, (B) the centre, (C) the north. 1. The center tries to help troubled families heal, Anderson reports. In the chamber he was president of the group of the left centre, standing strongly for the republic but against anti-clericalism. The town is a trading centre of some importance, and in the surrounding district are large sheep and ostrich farms. It landed dead center in the hall, out of everyone's reach. 4. How was this brought about, and what was the imperial centre? Palmyra also possessed the character of a religious centre, with the worship of the Sungod dominating that of inferior deities. The policeman directed me to the shopping, 28. suggests that Citium was the administrative centre of Cyprus during the Assyrian protectorate (709-668 B.C. Even as its main historical importance had formerly sprung from pagan learning, so now it acquired fresh importance as a centre of Christian theology and church government. He crossed the street and walked along Many attended the opening of the new sports, 7. Scott 1 51269 Central Park is near where I work. In the centre was the Agora of Hippodamus; on the western margin of the Cantharus harbour extended the emporium, or Digma, the centre of commercial activity, flanked by a series of porticoes; at its northern end, near the entrance to the inner harbour, was another Agora, on the site of the modern market-place, and near it the µa?cp l OTOa, the corn depot of the state. The centre of the leaf is often occupied by a midrib consisting of several layers of cells. In others a central parenchyma or primetive pith a new region of the primitive stelar conjunctiveappears in the centre of the xylem. 46), now Kelat still farther eastward; the centre of his power evidently lay on the borders of eastern Khorasan and the Turanian desert. It is the centre of the tobacco industry of the Vuelta Abajo region. The town is one of the best hunting centres in the county, being within reach of several meets. Upon it or its site centre nearly all the historical associations of the place. Lerwick's main industries are connected with the fisheries, of which it is an important centre. tanning, brick-making, the manufacture of garments, &c., are evenly distributed throughout it, and are to be found in or near all larger centres of population. If all follow that rule it is easy. 48. Central sentence examples. The anomaly AFQ of Q at any moment is called the mean anomaly, and the angle QFP by which the true anomaly exceeds it at that moment is the equation of the centre. Sumatra, the largest of the islands, is but thinly peopled; the greater part of the surface is covered with dense forest, the cultivated area being comparatively small, confined to the low lands, and chiefly in the volcanic region near the centre of the island. Times, Sunday Times (2017) It also means the political centre may yet hold. 3. The amount of superelevation required to prevent derailment at a curve can be calculated under perfect running conditions, given the radius of curvature, the weight of the vehicle, the height of the centre of gravity, the distance between the rails, and the speed; but great experience 1 See The Times Engineering Supplement (August 22, 1906), p. 265. In the Russian Orthodox Church the term "ambo" is used of the semicircular steps leading to the platform in front of the iconostasis, but in cathedrals the bishop has an ambo in the centre of the church. The center also helps train medical professionals in questions of ethics. Pop. Like many similar words, centre is the older term; it later became Americanized as center during a period of rapid linguistic evolution as the United States expanded its influence. CK 301526 He's back from his travels in Central Asia. Its chief centre is the Mediterranean region, whence it extends over central 2. Though this prince continued to develop the city, giving it a municipality in 1866 1 and new harbour works in 1871-1878, he developed Cairo still more; and the centre of gravity definitely shifted to the inland capital. front, consisting of a centre and two divisions corresponding with the nave and aisles, has been described as "more architecturally perfect as a composition and in its details than that of any other English cathedral," the great window above the door being considered by some superior to the famous E. York is known to have been occupied by the Britons, and was chosen by the Romans as their most important centre in north Britain and named Eboracum or Eburacur. Apart from fishing and shipping, Penzance has never been an industrial centre. It is the centre of considerable lace, linen and cotton industries. (Patterson, 2015) ← More Sentence Examples In the centre of the town stand the Place de la Republique, a spacious square overlooked by the hotel de ville, the museum, and the old cathedral of St Trophime, the finest Romanesque church in Provence. 53. Boston proper is only the centre of a large metropolitan area, closely settled, with interests in large part common. It was a mile in diameter, built in concentric circles, with the mosque and palace of the caliph in the centre, and had four gates toward the four points of the compass. Zimbabwe was probably the distributing centre for the gold traffic carried on in the middle ages between subjects of the Monomotapa and the Mahommedans of the coast. This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them. He made the capital of Christendom the centre of culture. It is also an important banking centre and has several insurance societies of reputation. from the eastern end of this pass is the Rocky Mountains Park, with the famous watering-place of Banff as its centre; (3) the Yellow Head Pass, running west from the northern branch of the Saskatchewan river; this pass was discovered by Capt. It is the terminus of a branch line (85 m.) from the St Petersburg & Moscow railway, and is the centre of a large transit trade between Orel, Kaluga and Smolensk and the ports of St Petersburg and Riga. The village became a station on the Underground Railway, and an important centre of anti-slavery sentiment. CK 1 45063 There is a nice park in the center of the town. From 1847, when the first railway entered the city, Indianapolis has steadily grown in importance as a railway centre. His vamps scampered out of the command center to obey. From the time of the conquest York was important as a trading and commercial centre. Selby is the centre of a rich agricultural district, and its industries include rope and twine making, flax-scutching, boatbuilding, iron-founding, tanning and brewing. 15 examples: Many tenants who sought to buy their homes from the council found themselves in… Read more… They got off at the city centre. At the same period he founded the abbey of Fulda, as a centre for German monastic culture, placing it under the Bavarian Sturm, whose biography gives us so many picturesque glimpses of the time, and making its rule stricter than the Benedictine. 18), but was never a metropolis or honoured with a neocorate, though made the centre of a conventus by Caracalla. It was its situation at the centre of the lines of communication between India and Persia and the west, both by land and water, which gave the city its great importance in early times. Athens has thus become a centre of learning, a meeting-place for scholars and a basis for research in every part of the Greek world. The Aegean Sea occupied the centre of the map, while the line where ocean and firmament seemed to meet represented an enlarged horizon. The flora of Argentina should be studied according to natural zones corresponding to the physical divisions of the country - the rich tropical and sub-tropical regions of the north, the treeless pampas of the centre, the desert steppes of the south, and the arid plateaus of the north-west. 55. In the centre rises a dome, fronted by two smaller cupolas; while a secondary dome, broader and loftier than the central one, springs from the annexe. Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town, 26. des antiquaires du centre, vol. Winnipeg is a great grain centre. center. In ancient times it was surrounded by dense forests, and was the centre of many legends. Standing in the public green, in the centre of the city, is the original statue (by Launt Thompson) of the "Massachusetts Color Bearer," which has been reproduced on the battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. the Tonga to the south, Hapai (which again is divided into three clusters) in the centre and Vavau to the north. The wheel revolved on its centre. Learn the definition of centre and how to use it in a sentence. within French territory; the highest elevation therein, the Vignemale, in the centre of the range, reaches 10,820 ft. On the north their most noteworthy offshoots are, in the centre, the plateau of Lannemezan from which rivers radiate fanwise to join the Adour and Garonne; and in the east the Corbire. Sentence Examples. 1. It is still the most important trade centre in eastern Asia Minor. The officer was taken to Queens Hospital Center for psychiatric evaluation. Here, in the centre of a small chapel, surrounded by his chief companions in arms, by Alvar Fanez Minaya, Pero Bermudez, Martin Antolinez and Pelaez the Asturian, were placed the remains of the mighty warrior, the truest of Spanish heroes, the embodiment of all the national virtues and most of the national vices. on his way to Germany after Sedan slept one night in the little town, which is a convenient centre for visiting that battlefield. The neighbourhood is noted for its abundance of everlasting flowers. 5. In their case the sternum begins to ossify from three very distinct points - one of which is the centre of ossification of Nitzsch's grouping. Till 1489 the kingdom of Cyprus survived as an independent monarchy, and its capital, Famagusta, was an important centre of trade after the loss of the coast-towns in the kingdom of Jerusalem. SOFIA (Bulgarian Sredetz, the middle town, a name now little used), the capital of Bulgaria, situated almost in the centre of an upland plain, about 1700 ft. Close to the last-named in the centre of the town, are the public baths with hot springs (temperature 117° F). The Carthaginians made it into an important grainproducing centre; and the Romans set foot in the island more than once during the First Punic War. The greatest number of Jews is to be found at Paris, Lyons and Bordeaux, while the departments of the centre and of the south along the range of the Cvennes, where Calvinism flourishes, are the principal Protestant localities, Nimes being the most important centre. CK 1 246113 There is a station in the center of the city. The time would then come when the centrifugal force on the outer parts of the mass would more than counterbalance the attraction of the centre, and thus we would have the outer parts left as a ring. It produces wine, and is a centre of the anchovy fishery. With the capture of the city by the Mongols, under Hulagu (Hulaku), the grandson of Jenghiz Khan, in 1258, and the extinction of the Abbasid caliphate of Bagdad, its importance as the religious centre of Islam passed away, and it ceased to be a city of the first rank, although the glamour of its former grandeur still clung to it, so that even to-day in Turkish official documents it is called the "glorious city.". And how to use it of ancient canals `` the physical centre of each vortex is the centre of island... Something is the centre of the principal live stock centre of the brain by tangents and Short arcs struck the... ( 586 ) is the Public square, or in the centre and is an important trading and centre. Was destined to become the centre of interest now shifts to the town has been since. Prosperous agricultural region, whence it extends over central 2 protectorate ( 709-668 B.C. dictionary and progress! Of that small district which, with its great plaza in the of... 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