resident doctors of bc

The Employer shall pay one hundred per cent (100%) of the premium. 10.03     Upon return to work, if there is a serious concern whether a Resident is capable of performing their duties in a safe manner, the Resident may be required by the Employer, at the request and expense of the Employer, to take a medical examination by a qualified physician of the Resident’s choice. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. WHEREAS it is the desire of the parties to this Collective Agreement to establish and maintain a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship and to recognize the mutual value of joint discussions and negotiations; WHEREAS the parties to this Collective Agreement share a desire to provide excellence in patient care; to maintain professional standards and to promote and maintain an effective and professional working relationship between the Employers, and the Residents; and. The Employer will pay ninety percent (90%) of the monthly premium and the Resident will pay ten percent (10%) of the monthly premium for extended health benefit coverage for Residents and their dependents under the existing Pacific Blue Cross plan or any other plan providing equivalent coverage; the deductible for extended health benefit coverage will be increased to $75.00. Should the agreement expire before a new agreement is reached, the current agreement will stand until a new agreement is ratified. All information involved is completely confidential. The JIC shall continue to exist and will meet on an as needed basis and the protocols and administrative processes developed by the JIC will continue to apply. 18.07     Theft of Residents’ Medical Equipment 27-29 days on service – 9 calls Premiums for Medical, Dental, and Extended Health insurance will be cost shared by the Employer and claimant on a 50-50 basis, under the same conditions as outlined above. 2019 - 2022. “Rehabilitative employment” shall mean any occupation or employment for wage or profit or any course or training that entitles the disabled employee to an allowance, provided such rehabilitative employment has the approval of the employee’s doctor and the underwriter of the Plan. All correspondence by either party relating to any grievance shall be copied to HEABC. In-Hospital call does not include “day call” during regular working hours of service Monday to Friday. Dues are reviewed annually by the Resident Doctors of BC Finance Committee. A Resident may maintain coverage for benefits under Article 15 of this Agreement for unpaid leave, including an unpaid leave arising from Article 5.04, exceeding twenty (20) working days by paying the Resident’s and the Employer’s share of the premiums for such coverage in advance of the unpaid leave of absence. Toll-Free: 1-888-877-2722 18.01     Professional Liability Those five (5) days off are to account for the three (3) statutory holidays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, and two (2) weekend days. If the parties do not reach agreement to continue the Resident’s employment within 30 days from the commencement of the leave of absence, the Resident’s employment will be terminated. Residents who legally adopt a child shall be entitled to the same parental leave rights and benefits as are afforded Non-birthing Parents in Article 9.02(b) above. The Employer agrees to provide representatives of RDBC with an opportunity and forum for meeting with new Residents appointed to the Employer so that the representatives of RDBC may introduce the new Residents to the function of the Association and solicit memberships. 11.06     Alternate Religious Holiday Resident Doctors of Canada (RDoC) represents over 10,000 resident doctors nationally. Trier par : pertinence - date. If a Resident is relieved of call as a result of this provision she shall not, post-pregnancy, be required to make up the call that was missed. For weeks one (1) through sixty-two (62) inclusive, the service of a Resident who is on parental leave shall be considered continuous for the purpose of any pension, medical or other plan beneficial to the Resident, and the Employer shall continue to make payment to the plans in the same manner as if the Resident was not absent. Return to work programs will recognize the specific needs of each individual employee who participates. Section 8 – Benefits Upon Plan Termination. (C)     Parental Leave – Special Circumstances. If reduced funding necessitates reducing the number of residency positions, new match positions will be eliminated first, to avoid laying-off current residents. In this episode Geoff (PM&R R4) and Lynne Li (Med Micro R4) talk about Covid-19. (5)   The conclusion of a term of appointment will not interrupt the Resident’s access to the maternity allowance. We collaborate with other national health organizations to foster excellence in … (a)        In the event that the eligible employee does not agree: (i)         with the recommended rehabilitation plan, or. The Employer and the Union are committed to a safe return to work program that addresses the needs of those able to return to work. RDBC representatives will be entitled reasonable time while on duty, without loss of regular pay and benefits, to perform their duties provided that they have received prior consent from their supervisor, made every endeavour to complete their business in as short a time as possible, and that they do not interrupt the operations of the Employer. As residents are entitled to receive five consecutive days off, they will not receive any additional lieu days should they work on any of the statutory holidays (Christmas, Boxing, or New Year’s Day). Should that occur, the process outlined in this article shall apply. The Committee members shall be composed of one (1) Employer nominee, one (1) union nominee and a neutral chair appointed by the nominees. The Employer recognizes RDBC as the exclusive bargaining agent in negotiating terms and conditions of employment on behalf of all Residents covered by this Agreement. (D)  In the event that the Associate Dean advises the Employer that a Resident holds one of the Chief Resident Positions for only part of an Academic Year, or if two (2) Residents are co-appointed to one of the Chief Resident Positions, the Employer will pro-rate the amount of the allowance accordingly. The cost of this Plan shall be borne by the Employer. Residents can not be in receipt of Sick Leave Benefits at the same time they are receiving SEB. Thereafter, an employee who is able by reason of education, training, or experience to perform the duties of any gainful occupation for which the rate of pay equals or exceeds seventy per cent (70%) of the current rate of pay for his/her regular occupation at the date of disability shall no longer be considered totally disabled under the Plan. Resident/Fellows members who continue to have Doctors of BC Resident Disability coverage for a minimum of 12-months immediately prior to completing their program, are eligible to apply for the BC government funded Physicians’ Disability Insurance (PDI) plan upon start of … RDBC will be informed of Resident changes during the year on a quarterly basis. THEREFORE THIS COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) has been entered into in an effort to formalize certain matters of appointment over which the Employer has administrative control and in the spirit of joint consultation in matters of mutual concern. Please contact Resident Doctors of BC about other options if you are considering resigning. Coverage must be converted to the IncomeProtect™ for Practicing Physicians plan. Upon return to work following recovery, an employee who was on claim for less than twenty-four (24) months shall continue in his/her former job; an employee who was on claim for more than twenty-four (24) months shall return to an equivalent position. . (2)   An additional fifteen (15) weekly payments equivalent to the difference between the employment insurance gross benefits and any other earnings received by the Resident and 90% of the Resident’s normal weekly earnings will be made by the Employer to the Resident. If the basis for the decision changes, either party may reinitiate the process up to and including referral to expedited arbitration. 14.01     A Resident who is on an educational rotation approved by the Program Director shall be entitled to portability of benefits specified below among Employers in which RDBC is certified as bargaining agent, or any other Employer mutually agreed upon by the parties to this Agreement. Total Disability, as used in this Plan, means the complete inability because of an accident or sickness, of a covered employee to perform the duties of his/her own occupation for the first two (2) years of disability. (a) Vacation leave earned but not taken during previous appointment and accumulated at Employer A shall be credited by Employer B. Built-in features such as Waiver of Premium provision, Survivor Benefit, Cost of Living Adjustment, Own Occupation definition of disability, etc. The Employer shall administer and be the sole trustee of the Plan. (3)   Residents shall not work more than two (2) consecutive nights on-call in any seven (7) day period. 18.08     UBC Registration 15.03     A dependent of a Resident is a spouse (including common-law), child, adopted child, or legal ward, who is so classified for income tax purposes. (A)  The Total Expenditure is at least $200,000 greater than the Actual Expenditures, the surplus amount minus a contingency of 1% will be added to the Additional Call Funds for the following Academic Year and the 1% contingency amount will be added to the Total Expenditure for the following Academic Year; (B)  The Total Expenditure is no more than $200,000 greater than the Actual Expenditures, the surplus amount will be applied to the Total Expenditure for the following Academic Year; or. We are the professional association that represents 1300 resident doctors working all over BC. 7.03   A spouse includes a person living with a Resident as a spousal partner for a period of not less than one (1) year. 9.03     Parental Leave – Adoptive Parents. Les résultats affichés sont des annonces d'offre d'emploi qui correspondent à votre requête. The LTD plan will pay for hours not worked at two-thirds (2/3) of current salary. 2.01     Sole Bargaining Agent 14.03     Benefits superior to those provided by the Agreement shall not be portable. (C)  The administrative allowances and stipends described below shall be increased by the same percentage and at the same time as the general wage increases. A copy of the Plan shall be attached as Appendix “A”. All Rights Reserved, Doctor is In – Expanding in-person care during COVID-19, Dr Don Rix Award for Physician Leadership, Doctors of BC Silver Medal of Service Award, Levels of coverage and elimination period. This is the Resident Doctors of BC company profile. The Rehabilitation Review Committee shall be composed of three qualified individuals who, by education, training, and experience are recognized specialists in the rehabilitation of disabled employees. “Chief (Administrative) Resident” means a Resident formally designated by their Program Director as the Chief (Administrative) Resident, who is responsible for certain administrative functions on behalf of a designated number of residents enrolled and actively engaged in the Residency Program. The employee’s entitlement to benefits under the LTD Plan shall, provided the employee remains eligible as per the definition of Total Disability, continue during the period of time that his/her application for early retirement is being processed with his/her pension plan administrator. (b) A Resident is entitled to up to six (6) additional consecutive weeks of parental leave without pay if a medical practitioner certifies that, for reasons related to the birth or the termination of the pregnancy, she is unable to return to work when her leave ends under Article 9.01 (A) or Article 9.01 (B). The new Resident Doctors of BC logo uses a rounded sans-serif font and simple wordmark layout. The Employer may require the Resident to pay a refundable deposit for uniforms issued. If a difference arises between the Employer and a Resident(s) or between the Employer and RDBC concerning the interpretation, application, operation, or any alleged violation of the Agreement, the Resident(s) will continue to perform their responsibilities in accordance with the Agreement until the difference is settled. In this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply: “Academic” means all matters relating to the education and training requirements of a Residency Program that is accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the College of Family Physicians of Canada and provided by the Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia. A Resident can take this alternate day within 12 months of earning it on a date mutually agreed between the Resident and the Residency Program. The Employer shall ensure that at the commencement of their employment, each Resident is provided with the electronic dues deduction authorization form contained in the Letter of Understanding “Union Deductions.” Each Resident will complete the electronic form. We take care of resident doctors, so they can take care of you. Should there be any issues or questions please contact Resident Doctors of BC. Those decisions shall have no precedential value and shall not be referred to by either party in any subsequent proceeding. In the event that an employee is medically able to participate in a rehabilitation activity or program that: (a)        can be expected to facilitate his/her return to his/her own job or other gainful occupation; and. For LMCC, CFPC, RCPSC and CMPQ, residents can request up to seven consecutive days without on-call duties prior to writing their exam. A resident may resign from a residency program if they choose; this decision is final, and impacts future training opportunities. If an unpaid leave of absence or an accumulation of unpaid leaves of absence exceeds twenty (20) work days in any year, the employee shall not accumulate benefits from the twenty-first (21st) day of the unpaid leave to the last day of the unpaid leave but shall accumulate benefits and receive credit for previously earned benefits upon expiration of the unpaid leave. 12.02     Residents taking unpaid leave will have their vacation entitlement prorated using the formula set out in Article 13.04. If a Resident has exhausted the 5 months of sick leave they must return to work for sixty days (60) before they are entitled to receive an additional 5 months of paid sick leave. (1)  The Total Expenditure is at least $200,000 greater than the Actual Expenditures, the difference between them minus a contingency of 1% will be distributed in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement Re: Professional Expenses Benefit and the 1% contingency will be added to the Total Expenditure for the proceeding Academic Year; (2)  The Total Expenditure exceeds the Actual Expenditures by less than $200,000, the surplus amount will be added to the Total Expenditure for the following Academic Year; or. The Residual Monthly Disability Benefit will continue until the rate of pay (the minimum being equal to seventy per cent (70%) of the current rate of pay for her regular occupation) applicable to any gainful occupation that the employee is able to perform equals or exceeds 85% of the rate of pay for his/her regular occupation at the date of the disability. RDBC retains the right to file a grievance regarding violations to Article 19.01. 10.02     Sick leave with pay is only payable because of sickness or accident and a Resident will supply evidence of such illness or disability as required by the Employer. The parties agree to the following wage increase for all employees for the 2019-2022 Collective Agreement: (A)  Effective the first pay period after April 1, 2019     2.0%, (B)  Effective the first pay period after April 1, 2020     2.0%, (C)  Effective the first pay period after April 1, 2021      2.0%. 4.02     The Arbitrator shall have full power to resolve all disputes arising under this Agreement, including the power to decide whether any matter is arbitrable or within the scope of this Agreement. The additional five (5) weeks must be taken immediately after the unpaid leave in Article 9.02 (a) ends. If you are interested in participating in the Board, Council of Program Representatives, or a Committee, you may be eligible for protected time to attend meetings. A Resident subpoenaed for jury duty or as a witness shall be placed on leave of absence for the period required for court duty. As of July 1, 2012, each Resident may take two (2) paid flexible days off (FDO) per Academic Year. Benefits will be reinstated in the same manner as set out in (a) above except Group Life and Long Term Disability Insurance Plan premiums may continue to be waived as outlined in the Group Life and Long Term Disability Insurance Plans. The Resident Doctors of BC Labour Relations Committee must approve cases before going to arbitration. The Employer may require the Resident to provide a doctor’s certificate indicating the Resident’s general condition during pregnancy and the predicted delivery date. “Master Chief Resident” means the Resident formally designated by their Program Director as the Master Chief Resident for the following list of Residency Programs with Distributed Residency Training Tracks: The Master Chief Resident (s) have responsibility for certain Residency Program-wide initiatives. Any workplace injuries need to be reported and an incident report completed. This amount is different for singles, couples, and families; contact Pacific Blue Cross for more information. The plan shall provide basic life insurance in the amount of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Finally, it is agreed that the operation of Subsection 2 of Section 50 of the Labour Relations Code of British Columbia is excluded from this Agreement. 15.08    Group Life Insurance Plan The Employer will provide at its expense, parking at the Hospital for Residents on-call who are called back to work. Participation in a program will not delay entitlement to LTD benefits, except as otherwise provided in the Long Term Disability Plan. The five consecutive days account for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day plus 2 weekend days – this applies to all residents regardless if they are scheduled to work on the statutory holidays or not. (C)  The Total Expenditure is less than the Actual Expenditures, the over- expenditure will be ameliorated by: (1)  Adding any available Reserve Funds to the Total Expenditure and, if necessary; (2)  Deducting the over-expenditure from the Total Expenditure for the following Academic Year. A Resident (the mother) can apply for 17 weeks of Maternity Leave and 61 weeks of Parental Leave to total 78 weeks (1.5 years). However, if service requirements can be met, consideration will be given to providing the Resident with at least five (5) consecutive days off during the twelve (12) day period referred to in Article 11.04. If a statutory holiday occurs during your vacation, you will receive a day in lieu as per Article 11. The Employer shall provide those Residents who are on-call for assigned duties with a pocket pager. “Resident” means an individual who is employed solely for the purpose of completing a Residency Program and who is: The term Resident shall not include doctors of Medicine, Dentistry or Podiatry who are the fiscal responsibility of other agencies. Resident Doctors of BC About the Resident Doctors of BC collective agreement. However, the employee may be eligible for a Residual Monthly Disability Benefit. (3)  The Actual Expenditures exceed the Total Expenditure, the over-expenditure will be ameliorated by: (A)  Adding the Reserve Funds to the Total Expenditure; and, if necessary; (B)  Subject to Article 21.05(b) below, reducing the call payment rates commencing as close as practicable to the start of the following Academic Year, such that the projected over-expenditure should be recovered over the course of the following Academic Year. 2.07     Union Membership The approval of the vacation request shall not be unreasonably withheld taking into consideration the operational and educational requirements of the Program. Return to work programs will be part of an Approved Rehabilitation Plan under the Long Term Disability Plan. All entitlements and benefits of this Collective Agreement apply for the duration that the Resident is enrolled in a Residency Program unless otherwise specified. (F)  The Employer shall pay the Chief (Administrative) Resident an administrative allowance as compensation for assigned administrative functions including, but not limited to, the following: (1)  The preparation of all schedules and on-call rotations; (2)  Organizing and scheduling of department rounds; (3)  Acting as liaison between house staff and senior staff; (4)  Acting as a resource person for Residents for the purpose of teaching, supervision, peer review, appointments to appropriate committees; and. 15.06     The Dental Plan shall cover Residents, their spouses (including common law) and children who are eligible and acceptable to the plan, provided they are not enrolled in another comparable plan. (Note: the $4,028 figure will be adjusted as set out in Section 2(A)(1) above). (D)       Employment status during the intervening period between expiration of sick leave credits and receipt of long-term disability benefits: Employees who will be eligible for benefits under the Long-Term Disability Plan shall not have their employment terminated; following expiration of their sick leave credits they shall be placed on unpaid leave of absence until receipt of long-term disability benefits. 58, No. In each Academic Year, the Employer will replace one lost or damaged pager for each Resident. On four (4) weeks’ notice and within seventy-eight (78) weeks of the birth or the adoption placement date of their child, a non-birthing parent may apply for up to sixty-two (62) consecutive weeks parental leave without pay. For call stipend inquiries please see the call stipend FAQ or contact For clarity, this does not include the scheduling of call shifts immediately following regular duty, (2)   There shall be at least two (2) twenty-four (24) hour periods of scheduled non- working time per two (2) week. Should the Resident receive any fees which exceed their regular pay the Resident shall keep this money. Sick leave is paid for up to 5 months, at which time you will transition to LTD. Such equipment must be required by the Employer and is not otherwise provided for the Resident to perform their duties. You can get the form on the UBC website: Consistent with the principles of the Human Rights Code of British Columbia, the parties recognize the right of Residents to work in an environment free from harassment, including sexual harassment, and the Employer shall take such actions as are necessary with respect to any person employed by the Employer engaging in harassment in the workplace. (F)  The following provisions apply for the duration of the term of the Collective Agreement: (1)  The Employer has the right to audit the call data at the level of individual Resident and/or administrative processes for which RDBC has responsibility. 261. (D)   The protocols and administrative processes necessary for the implementation of this Call Payment Scheme were developed by a Joint Implementation Committee (“JIC”) comprised of two representatives from HEABC and two representatives from RDBC. For more information on what your benefits cover, contact the Pacific Blue Cross. Section 5 – Integration with other Disability Income. The Resident and the Program Director shall agree on the schedule for completion of training. (G)  The Chief (Administrative) Resident’s administration allowance will be paid on a monthly basis in accordance with the chart below. The Residency Program will attempt to advise the Resident of any changes to the schedule two weeks in advance. If an employee on leave of absence without pay becomes disabled, his/her allowance under this Plan shall be based upon monthly earnings immediately prior to the leave of absence. Upon request, a Resident shall be given copies of pertinent documents. For example, for one-in-four (1:4) it would be the total number divided by four (4), and for one-in-three (1:3) it would be the total number divided by three (3). For weeks sixty-three (63) through sixty-seven (67) inclusive, the service of a Resident who is on parental leave shall be considered continuous for the purpose of any pension, medical or other plan beneficial to the Resident, and the Employer shall continue to make payment to the plans in the same manner as if the Resident was not absent. This provision is subject to the Resident giving reasonable notice to the Employer regarding start and end dates of the leave referred to above. 8.01   When a Resident is granted an educational leave from a Residency Program to attend short-term educational program(s) or conference(s) the Employer will grant a leave of absence with pay. 11.05     Work on Statutory Holiday With the passage of time the basis upon which an arbitrator made his decision may change. A Resident will be entitled, upon providing reasonable notice, to access their payroll records and/or personnel file maintained by the Employer. Many resident questions that affect payroll can first be addressed by the resident’s program office, as the program office submits forms for chief allowances, leaves, and statutory days worked. In no case shall a Resident be required to return to work sooner than six (6) weeks following the birth or the termination of her pregnancy, unless a shorter time is requested by the Resident and granted by the Employer. Club MD provides exclusive deals from trusted brands so you can spend your time on what’s important. ii) The allowance for vision care will be $225.00 every twenty-four (24) months per eligible Resident or eligible dependent; and. Such an opportunity and forum shall be made available during the normal working hours within six (6) weeks of the appointment of new Residents. 15.09     A common-law spouse includes a person living with a Resident as a spousal partner for a period of not less than one (1) year. Further support is available through the Employee and Family Assistance Program, Physicians Health Program, and the UBC Wellness Office. (A)   Prior to the start of the 2019/2020 Academic Year, the call payment rates set out in the 2014-2019 Collective Agreement apply and consist of the following: (1)  Overnight Call Shift that is an In-Hospital Call – $100, (2)  Overnight Call Shift that is an Out-of-Hospital Call – $50, (3)  Weekend Day Call Shift and Evening Call Shift that are In-Hospital Call – $50, (5)  Full Weekend Call Shift that is an In-Hospital Call – $200, (6)  Full Weekend Call Shift that is an Out-of-Hospital Call – $100. Phone: (604) 876-7636 If the combination of superannuation benefit, Canada Pension Plan retirement benefit and any other disability income referred to in Section 5 of the LTD Plan results in monthly income of less than the LTD monthly income benefit, then the eligible employee shall be entitled to remain on LTD benefits. To accommodate reductions required by reduced funding the Employers will first reduce positions allocated to new entrants into Residency Programs. The Employer agrees to provide without cost to the Resident the following necessities or amenities: 17.01     Uniforms 32.01     The Employer and RDBC agree to work together in the promotion of safe working conditions, prevention of workplace injuries and the promotion of safe work practices. The parties jointly recognize the importance of confidentiality and will ensure that full confidentiality is guaranteed. These employees receive pay for all hours worked. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Resident Doctors of BC. Residents will submit their requests to the Program Director in writing. Should a settlement not be reached at this stage, the grievance may be referred to arbitration pursuant to Article 4. Effective January 1, 2013, the Employer will pay ninety percent (90%) and the Residents will pay ten percent (10%) of the monthly premiums for The Group Life Insurance Plan. 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