benefits of living a holy life

A Call to Holy Living "What do ye more than others? Wow! Unholy living floods believers’ lives with the natural consequences of sin, including distance and strain in our relationships with God. You don’t think of yourself first before you say or do anything. Be holy as the Lord is holy Leviticus 1:1-3:17. I thank God for blessing you to write this article. When you’re in your 90s and looking back, it’s not going to be how much money you made or. Here are 5 benefits of living a holy life. Think to have a lifelong friend and companion, mentor and teacher, role model and help in every situation in life. Thanks for your article on living a holy life. In Hebrews 12:14 (NIV) the bible says “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” The above scripture gives us the most important benefit for holy living. Thank you so much! Benefits of a Holy Life (1 Pet. I would love to subscribe to your website to get your updates. How can you live a Holy life in an in a world that is becoming more and more unholy? Why would we want to be holy? Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Humanly speaking it is. Holy Spirit enables you to obey … Maybe holiness sounds like an overwhelming, daunting, or impossible task? Holy Living Silences the Opposition Paul's second reason for living holy lives gives us the heart of what he wants to communicate: "so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us" (Titus 2:8). Amen. For Earthly Living,” “Religious Controversy,” etc. So we need to be there for anyone in need. The following 5 benefits are not the only reasons to pursue holiness, but they’re one Scripture mentions repeatedly. “Holiness” is often misunderstood. Others compare themselves to the Christians around them and think they’re doing pretty good. Holiness builds peace with God (2 Peter 3:10-18), 5. Spirituality is one of life’s … Or too boring. It means we allow God’s power to flow through us giving us the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. Amen! # Holy living provides a better conscience. Every true believer will increasingly demonstrate love for other Christians and the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. It gives you speedy access to God’s mercy all the time. If we really have the Holy Spirit, why is it such a struggle to live a holy life? Jesus is such a person for us. God also knows that a holy life paves the way for deep intimacy with Him (Psalm 15:1-2). Related Videos . I’m am glad the article encouraged and edified you! Peter has described for Christians something of the great dignity that had been given to them by God (1 Pet. There would be no distance between the two of you, no barriers to prevent you from drawing near. Theres not much difference between th… Satan deceives people into thinking that being holy will prevent them from having fun. # Holiness leads to a better emotional state. God requires holiness, but His Spirit provides the power to turn away from sin. What more can i say. Holy Living will enable you see God. More understanding of the mystery of power of God shall be made known to anyone who dwell in God’s presence which holiness make possible. God bless you. This my dailh prayer that I live a holy life as my Lord demands it to me! Thank to our Lord jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit to give you wisdom to write this article. The way back to strength, power, lasting joy, divine pleasures, victorious and triumphant Christian living is through the way of holiness. Many people would say “Oh yes, I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, but he feels distant from my struggles.” Being a Christian is more than believing in Jesus. I will walk the good work of faith with holiness in my life. Thank you for your commitment to the truth. It’s a job well done.God bless. It’s not always easy to choose obedience to God, especially if we’re trying to do it all on our own. In his book, The Pursuit of Holiness, Jerry Bridges defines holiness this way: “To be morally blameless. As we embrace the holy life God calls us to, we are embraced by the Holy One Himself. I have just gotten a sermon message from your Message. All of us desire to experience this kind of intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. Holiness exalte a nation but sin is reproach to the people. Join Kathy's mailing list to receive a free mini Bible study on the book of Titus. If two can’t walk together except there be agreement then God can’t walk with anyone who is not living holy. Like paul said he that stole just steal no more but work with his hands that he may have to give to others in need. Thanks again! Who may worship in your sanctuary, LORD? 2:9-10). Holiness is a goal so elusive that it is not possible for one seeking it to cry out ureka! By living a holy and set apart life, we glorify God, showcase His nature to others, and live free from the power of sin in our own lives (Matthew 5:16; Romans 6:6). The word signifies ‘separation to God, and the conduct befitting those so separated.” The basic meaning of “holy” is to be “set apart.” We are set apart from the world, its sinful ways, and our own fleshly desires. Holiness is our responsibility as a Christian. Jesus Christ is the object of our faith and Jesus Christ is the source of our life. He has lived the God-centered life, and our hope of living a godly life is in him. 1. Next, practice self-control against temptation as much as you can. this question is very important. We are not to live in sin. He made his only mistake, said the examiner, when he stopped to let me out of the car. ABOUT SUNDAY'S SERVICE WITH … To be truly used of God holiness cannot be left out. Blessed be the name of God for making this article use to me in particular. Thank you for stopping by and commenting. Join Kathy's mailing list to receive a free mini Bible study on the book of Titus. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. BENEFITS OF Living A HOLY LIFE BY PASTOR EMMANUEL OPPONG-BOATENG. A HOLY LIFE By Charles E. Orr Author of “The Hidden Life,” “Christian Conduct,” “Helps to Holy Living,” “Heavenly Life . Thank you so much ma’am, More grace from all sides ma. Check out these 16 Top Bible Verses-Living a Godly Life … Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. It is the life of Jesus Christ in you by the Holy Spirit. holiness is the only way to be used by God Almighty. Based upon research and personal experience, the benefits of living a spirit-filled life are immeasurable. by Kathy | Dec 3, 2015 | Holiness, Intimacy with God | 2 comments. Holiness fosters intimacy with God and builds spiritual strength and stability (Psalm 15:1-6). Pastor Peter Mwarabu of Jesus Celebration Centre -Ongata Rongai teaching on The Benefits Of Living A Holy Life. Sign up to get Kathy's blog posts by email and get a free Bible study on the book of Titus. That boy was like a lot of churchgoing Americans. Did you make a positive. A salvation that doesn’t change all that isn’t a working salvation. as if we live holy for our benefit. God bless you richly. It guarantees your seeing the Lord. Thanks to the author of this blessed teaching, what a confirmation! Or simply undesirable. We cannot understand what Holy living is unless we first know what it means to be Holy. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Start by trying to avoid moralism in your life and focusing on being holy rather than looking holy. Your pointing to Him is so rich and rewarding and refreshing! Holiness builds peace with God (2 Peter 3:10-18) 5. I asked the Lord yesterday to teach me the character of the “Anointing” and He directed me to the first attribute of “Holiness”. It is to live your life totally for Christ. They put on a good front when they know someone is watching, but the rest of the time they let down their standards. 3. But, whatever God requires of His children, He also supplies. Holiness in your life causes people around you to glorify God (1 Peter 2:9-12) 4. They recognize the truth that God commands His children to be holy and want to please Him, but life gets in the way. No holiness.. no purity.. no power! nice one may God increase you richly amen, Your email address will not be published. Check out Kathy’s Bible study “Embraced by Holiness.”. # Holiness leads to eternal blessings. We recognize the truth that God commands His children to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16). “A sacred burden is the life ye bear. 2:11-12) Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; July 14, 2011 This sermon was preached on 10/7/11. Am happy to have found this article. Yet, we often feel disconnected. Living in God's holiness makes us free—this is why Jesus came to earth (Isaiah 61:1). How have you thought about holiness in the past? But, whatever God requires of His children, He also supplies. You live as commanded by God in His word and as led by the Holy Spirit. This is such a great Bible study for me. A very nice article,may God bless you to continue spreading the Gospel. 5 Benefits of Holiness 1. difference for people?" “For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature” (Galatians 5:17, NIV). But a pursuit of holiness is also a pursuit of God. I had asked the Holy Spirit this morning in communion with Him to give me a revelation of Holiness. God bless you. I love the way you make this study true to the Word and very practical. It is to be separated from sin and, therefore, consecrated to God. When you disconnect from the world, flee from temptation and obey God’s Word, you will live a life that is pleasing to the Lord—you will be holy. Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? My view of holiness just got a new boost, My view wasn’t enough to justify my claims. Holiness sets us free and draws us close to God! In times of adversity then one can appreciate that holiness is of a great price stay holy unto the lord, Your email address will not be published. The building had sat vacant for … Dec 3, 2015 - Does living a holy life seem impossible? Be blessed again and again..this makes clear about holiness. We may even sense that something blocks our path to deep, personal companionship with God. To be so close you could hear Him breathe? Holiness exalts a nation. It is desirable and necessary for a meaningful relation with God whose Holy Spirit is the catalyst in us to persist in our search for it. . Unholy living does not enjoy God’s creation too much — it falls far short of enjoying it enough. Jesus died so we could be holy. Learn how your comment data is processed. “He whispered, ” It’s an inseparable life of intimacy with the Godhead”. The holiness message is not popular in the land today. Be blessed again and again..this makes clear about holiness. Simply undesirable? Holiness finds satisfaction and fulfillment in all of life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A California drivers license examiner told about a teenager who had just driven an almost perfect test. The purpose of living a holy life is to glorify God and display His nature to those around us (Matthew 5:16). All through the ages, the only category of people God would use to shape history were men and women of holiness. I pray that God Almighty will expand this ministry to the level were u do not expects. Jesus Christ – a friend for life. Peace!!! God calls us to holiness and God provides what we need to be holy. Keep up the good work on this blog. Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. I have learnt a lot about holiness. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Holiness in your life causes people around you to glorify God (1 Peter 2:9-12), 4. what a confirmation and transformation. Holiness in God’s people also brings Him glory. thanks a lot and God bless you – this article has encouraged me to carry on pursuing holiness and purity regardless of what people may say.God is first – so i’ll do it for God…at all cost, May God bless you and gives you more wisdom because am blessed, we must be Holy in all ways because our we are worshiping is Holy, Also without holiness no one can see God. You live holy because you are motivated by your relationship with and love for your heavenly Father. Wow the benefits of being holy encourage me. According to Scripture, a life of holiness can pave the way for greater intimacy in our relationship with God. It’s really "What did you stand for? We live holy because in light of what Christ has done for us, to do otherwise would be unthinkable. Usually what it comes down to is simply our desire to live a holy life. But I thank God that now I know a bit better and looking forward to live in holiness with Love for our Master and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth.It is possible to live holy by His Spirit. According to the Bible, every true believer has the Holy Spirit. The following 5 benefits are not the only reasons to pursue holiness, but they’re one Scripture mentions repeatedly. 3. Of course, privileges carry responsibilities and the responsibility that Peter now stresses is that of holiness of life. Would love to hear your thoughts! But yield to righteousness. But, God doesn’t call us to “pretty good.” His holiness is our standard (1 Peter 1:16). It is a very great fault in any ministry if the doctrine of justification by faith alone be not most clearly taught. Thank you Kathy. Check out Kathy’s Bible study “Embraced by Holiness.”. God requires holiness, but His Spirit provides the power to turn away from sin. perish the thought. The things we used to enjoy, to do and to say, before we were converted, we no longer enjoy, do and say. Here's a reminder and some benefits of living a holy life. Living a holy life is the only way we can receive from God. Many blessings to you Kathy. Your email address will not be published. The Greek word translated "put to shame" literally means "to blush," emphasizing the opponent's utter embarrassment over having no just criticism. But we … 5 Benefits of Living a Holy Life - Kathy Howard. God bless! Many believers think living a holy life is just too hard. God to be holy, the understanding of the reality of the spirit of God will enable man to work in the reality. He died for us. Thanks a million for this wonderful, insightful Message from the Throne of Grace for humanity. That “soul satisfaction” feeds and grows a passion for life. Required fields are marked *. We fear God because He alone holds the power over the destiny of our souls (Matthew 10:28) . Matthew 6:20 Holiness is the hallmark of faith and power. (John 14:21 & 23 & John 8:29). God bless you for taking time to share this thought. He was tempted in all things like us but overcame all sin, so no matter what we meet, Jesus can relate to our situation and will help us to get through it too!He is somebody we can talk to any time of day about anything at all. We are set apart to God. I think of holiness daily.Matthew 5:8 for the past 8yrs I have been pursuing a life of holiness but as I grow daily in the Lord I realized that from 2010 I opened myself to sin which I was ignorant of until 2014. Nice and helpful article Kathy! It gave me more hunger to live a holy life during the day and night. Might benefits of living a holy life her inner man determine the result of being holy | 2! Rongai teaching on the book of Titus morning in communion with Him to respond you! But His Spirit provides the power over the destiny of our faith and Jesus Christ in you the! 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